Simplify the training of your front-line staff and amplify the power of your operation

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Hero Guest consists of 3 core modules focused on accelerating your business

  • Certified courses
  • Customized modules
  • Best practices and updates
  • Photographic supervisions
  • Daily task monitoring
  • Store audits
  • Service surveys
  • Customer listening
  • Continuous improvement


Our solution focused on empowering staff is transforming industries, and our metrics reflect it.

Hero Guest's learning methodology maintains high staff involvement through weekly micro-lessons.

International awards

Our academic pathways and programs improve, organize and guide your staff development

4 learning levels that reflect the learning progress and skills your business has acquired


The basics needed to do a good job


Nothing gets stuck! Find practical solutions to any challenge


Executing exceptional experiences with international standards


The mentor the business needs. You win and everyone wins

Staff members have the opportunity to be recognized by colleagues, family and friends with Certificates endorsed by industry leaders

  • Work teams perceive training as a job benefit
  • Recognition of academic merits and professional growth of employees
  • Motivated staff accomplishing objectives, everyone wins!
  • Recognition creates a deep and lasting sense of belonging

In addition, we offer customizable modules

Welcome to
[your brand]
10 moments
of the truth
on hand
Top 3
Top 3
Top 3


Our operations function is designed to standardize and control each branch´s experience

Monitor your standards on every shift, saving time and money while keeping historical records of your key metrics

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Measure your NPS by branch and get direct consumer feedback with our experience surveys

The manager gets a real read on the development and operation of the staff to adjust the business towards success

Survey applied to Hero Guest users on July 2024

NPS How likely are you to recommend Hero Guest to a friend or colleague?

Increase your company's profitability
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